Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Check on me Saturday

If you read this before Saturday, please remember to call and make sure I am still alive.
Pray for me brothers and sisters. I have agreed to go to Zumba with a friend!
She has invited me several times and Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise (which I hear it might if we get lots of rain tomorrow) I will meet her at 7pm.  If it rains that much surely it will be God telling me to stay home from such foolishness as exercise.
 I told her I wasn't all that interested in losing weight. But I won't be an Indian Giver if that occurs.  Neither will I go looking for the lost weight. 
 I just need to gain some flexibility. 
No, not for gardening and yardwork - but that would be great; it would be nice this spring not to hear the new neighbors laughing at me scooting along on my butt to weed and plant just because it's too much trouble to stand up and walk.
No, not for housework, but it would be nice to clean the tub and not have to use the toilet as a brace to stand up.  (You may not know this, but toilet seats have a little jiggle to them that can land you right back where you started from).
No, not for the bedroom, but that would be really, really, really nice. To help me make up the bed, what else? Have you seen this kingsize monstrosity we sleep in?
The reason I need flexibility is because I don't want to have to call Bob anymore to come help me stand up when I sit in the floor to play with Adelyn.  One of  these days I'm going to get down by her bouncy seat or playmat and forget that Bob has gone somewhere. I will be paralyzed from my waist to my cross-legged knees and find myself trapped in a grandparenting dilemma.  And that will probably be the day little Reecy Piece starts crawling and when Bob finally gets home to pull me up we find her eating dustbunnies under the bed. (Hey, I told you I have trouble making the bed, do you think I'm flexible enough to vacuum under there?)
In times past I was flexible enough to roll over on my hands and knees and get to the couch and pull myself up. But the carpet made that possible.  Hard flooring is not for knee-walking.
 But there's more than one way to skin a cat. Or always more than one solution to a problem.
I guess if the Zumba doesn't work I can start keeping a water bottle and snack attached to all her floor toys just in case I get stranded.

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