Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Newest addition

Our newest addition  (even though you can hardly see her).
Having grandchildren never gets old.  Knowing this will be the last grandchild is bittersweet, but we have been blessed with the 6 sweetest and most beautiful grands in the world. And it's true that grandchildren keep you young. You take walks and look at butterflies and bugs and ants. You stretch up to see airplanes and birds. You run to be the first one to the potty. (you never win at this). You sing songs and act crazy and do funny faces and voices. You laugh with your teenage grands, take great joy in their accomplishments and pray, pray, pray for them.  Through the years we have constructed thousands of lego and tinkertoy thing-a-ma-jigs; only they know what they are building. And I've learned how to get down in the floor and play.
 (more amazing is the fact that I have learned how to get up off of the floor unaided).
Just like life being OK without kids; life is OK without grandchildren. But having grandchildren is like having kids; you can't imagine how you got along without them or what you did with all that love that is now theirs forever.

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