Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

God watches out over fools and idiots

Found myself doing the silliest thing the other day.
I know, hard to believe I would do something silly. Totally out of character for me.
 Look at the pic below and see if you can figure out where this is going.

This is a three foot section of our Laundry/Pantry/Storage Place to put any other junk we don't know what to do with but we better save it just in case we might need it one day room.

 (Nothing to do with the post but I do like the way Hubba Hubba's brown shoes
 look like they are floating in this pic.)

 The item I'm going to discuss is the pair of  white Reeboks on the right under the high chair.

(Nothing to do with the post but  I think I have finally figured out the "keep it cause I might need it one day" purpose of this chair. I'm thinking about painting it and making it a time-out chair. We'll see where my good intentions take me.) And just in time because the chair is 28 years old.
 I do hope it's the oldest item in this room.

 The Reeboks are my fishing shoes. I always, always, always
 (because of my enormous fear of arachnids)
 pick them up, run my hands all the way in to check for spiders
 (cause the shoes stay out here for days without being used
 and would make a wonderful nesting sight for black widows),
 and then yank them onto my feet without untying the laces.
 Off we go fishing!
 I have done this for years. (not with the same pair of shoes; I do occasionally
 replace the old pair with a new pair of old shoes.
 I like that statement-replace the old pair with a new pair of old. Ha!).
 It dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that I was being so foolish.
  I bet you have already figured it out.
 It's only by God's good grace that a spider hasn't already bitten me on my finger
. Why would I try to protect my toes from a spider bite by offering the spider my fingertips?
Surely the venom from a bite would reach my heart and lungs
 faster from my fingertips than from my toes.  
It must be true that God looks out over fools and idiots.
I wonder what other actions I take to protect myself that are actually placing me in more danger?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Newest addition

Our newest addition  (even though you can hardly see her).
Having grandchildren never gets old.  Knowing this will be the last grandchild is bittersweet, but we have been blessed with the 6 sweetest and most beautiful grands in the world. And it's true that grandchildren keep you young. You take walks and look at butterflies and bugs and ants. You stretch up to see airplanes and birds. You run to be the first one to the potty. (you never win at this). You sing songs and act crazy and do funny faces and voices. You laugh with your teenage grands, take great joy in their accomplishments and pray, pray, pray for them.  Through the years we have constructed thousands of lego and tinkertoy thing-a-ma-jigs; only they know what they are building. And I've learned how to get down in the floor and play.
 (more amazing is the fact that I have learned how to get up off of the floor unaided).
Just like life being OK without kids; life is OK without grandchildren. But having grandchildren is like having kids; you can't imagine how you got along without them or what you did with all that love that is now theirs forever.


A few weeks back my sweet Hunka Hunka and I went to Luverne
 (that's pronounced loo verne, not la verne) to have lunch with my sister. 
On an  aside: We can count this lunch as community service or a good Christian deed since she had spent several days in the hospital with her mother-in-law. (just in case God needs reminding of our good deeds and will reward us when we reach a certain level of points.)
 Yes, I know that joke might be offensive to some of you, but it was still a little bit funny.
Back to the story. My lovely sister picked Subway for lunch. Great choice; close by and you could have a sandwich or a salad.  We're chattering on and on and occasionally even letting Hunka Hunka have a say as we work down the line, choose our bread, choose our cheese, hot or cold? Then we notice the super slender, young, nose-earringed and in a tank top with tattoos in various places guy in front of us. He's ordered a footlong sandwich and is piling on everything in the display. That sandwich looked thicker than one out of a commercial. Seriously!  It was so thick the man fixing the sandwich could hardly close the top over. He could have definitely used some of those thick, thick rubberbands  to hold it together. Lovely sister starts a conversation with him. He must be hungry, going to eat lunch and dinner (cause they don't eat supper where she comes from)
 from one sandwich, etc. Da, De, Da, De, Da
On an side: I'm thinking he must be feeding a family of four somewhere and that's tells you how big the sandwich was because ya'll know I can eat humongous amounts of food at one sitting.
Back to the story: The nice young man replies back (and this is where I have to look way, deep down inside myself and find the strength to bury my killer instincts). He says it's all for him. He will eat the whole, entire sandwich himself at one sitting and be hungry again in less than TWO, yes, I said TWO hours. He will then eat again every two hours and probably wake up during the night hungry. He eats 5,000 calories a day, at least. He has a very high metabolism, he never gains any weight,
he wishes he could gain weight.
On an aside: Now do you think it would have been wrong of me to kill him on the spot? Just swat him like a fly and grind him underfoot? I didn't know there were people with this problem out there and I sure as heck didn't know they considered it a problem!
Back to the story: We managed smiles (this was not hard for lovely sister as she is a much nicer person than the writer) as he left with his 7 lb. sandwich.  But I thought of this young man last night as I read this quote on Pinterest (and if you don't know what Pinterest is you have my sincere congratulations on being a person that actually does things instead of collecting pictures of what everyone else is doing. I have quite a collection of what everyone else out there is doing).
Can I get an Amen, sisters?