Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Worth the effort?

It's Sunday and it's kinda been a busy day. I messed around too much this week and didn't get my Sunday School lesson prepared until last night. This is no small task; you better study your background material cause you will be asked questions that only  3rd or 4th grade child could think of. I also had to make a sample cross for the craft we were going to do, also.
Needless to stay, I worked through my sleepy time and it was after 3 am before I fell asleep.
Good news for me - only had to get up one time to go potty and only woke one time having to fling the sheets off of my hot body. (and I mean temperature hot, not bodacious hot).
Bad news for me - I finished my book and now have to find something new to read tonight.
So........that means my alarm was set for 8:15 so that I could get every last minute of sleep possible. Church starts at 9:30 so that gave me plenty of time to shower, makeup and dress and to get in one or two snippy remarks to Hunka Hunka.(a regular Sunday Morn ritual).  He leaves to pick up our Granddaughter because Grandson is sick and their Daddy will stay with him. He also has to stop and get gas because the low fuel light always decides to light up on Saturday night.
But I digress; back to my main subject.
I manage to get to church only 5 minutes late. We have a great Sunday School class - neighboring class brings us plates of birthday cake and chips and Sunny D.(and that is why the kids never want to move up to my class).  Much better breakfast than the little bowl of shredded wheat (who could eat a big bowl?) I consumed while putting on makeup. We have time to complete the lesson (fourth grade boys can usually interrupt numerous times - this week they had all been to the Rattlesnake Rodeo here in town, so you do the math on the interruptions we had today.) It's amazing how they can answer the review questions at the end of the lesson correctly every Sunday.

I digress once more; back to the subject.
We have a super wonderful worship service with testimonies and singing and just so great you hate to see it end. We get out around 12:30 and head over to the fellowship building for the children's Easter Egg hunt. (although we adults enjoy it, too).  Mrs. Carolyn always does a great job with the egg hunt.
This year each child found 6 eggs with letters on them that spelled E-a-s-t-e-r. They had to wait to open the eggs when they came back inside. They opened them one at a time and she explained the contents; all about the Resurrection. 

Here's a pic of a few of the precious kids waiting for the hunt to begin.

But I digress again - back to the subject.
I arrived home about 2pm. We have to be back at church at 4pm. Not much time - if I nap to make up for lost sleep I will not be able to sleep tonight. Besides, less than 2 hours is not enough time to start anything.
THE BIG QUESTION - with less than two hours before heading back out is it worth the effort to take off my shoes and bra and relax in style and comfort? 

Ladies, this is what we in the South call a no brainer. Yeck, yeah!  Oooh, Aaaah!

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