Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Lessons Written Down

I was looking at one of my older Bibles today and found some good stuff jotted down in the back.
I am sure they all came from sermons I have heard.
I will share some of them and hope you like them, too.

     Christians are called to lead a supernatural life with Jesus.
Anybody can lead a regular life without Him.

    God is the great "I AM" -- not the great "I Was" or the great "I Will Be".

    We don't question our blessings - should we question our trials?

    God is shaping us here on earth with different, sometimes difficult circumstances
 to make us what He wants us to be when we're with Him in heaven.

    Let prayer be your first choice, not your last.

    Pray retail, not wholesale.

    God won't tell you what to do until you do what He has already told you to do.

   Do I "have to", or do I "get to", do it for Jesus?

   Who am I keeping from Jesus by my life?

Character is who we are when no one is looking.

The part of the Bible you believe is the part you do.

We can endure anything if we have something (heaven, in the believer's case) to look forward to.

Live your life so much like Jesus that your pastor won't have to lie at your funeral.

I should believe God more than the doubts and fears that Satan tells me. God said He will NEVER leave me or forsake me; He WILL supply ALL my needs according to His riches in Christ.

Grace is God not giving me what I deserve. Mercy is God withholding judgement on me.

Sometime healing comes slow, sometimes healing comes fast, sometimes it comes when we reach heaven. But to all who believe, it comes.

This world is not my home. My home's been made at heaven's throne.
This life is not my own. I am His and His alone.
Come now and walk with me; together we our Lord shall meet.

Nothing, absolutely nothing can separate me from God.

Let the waves roll; let the winds blow; let the lightning flash;
 cause Jesus is carrying us to the other side.

If Jesus was as picky and choosy about who He showed love and compassion to
as I am, where would I be?

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm... some of these a REALLY good!
    We've been breaking down Ephesians 2: 1-10 on Sundays at church for several weeks now. Discussing God's grace vs. mercy and how we as humans did nothing for salvation - it's all due to God's grace. And rounding it out with vs 10 - how we can do nothing (no good works) FOR God (there's nothing we can offer Him), but we are sanctified and so filled with Him as Christians that He should flow from us in the form of good works for His glory. Some of these you listed related. Good stuff!
