Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Do I diet?

To look at me you would probably think that I never diet or try to eat healthy. WRONG!! I've done such a good job of eating healthy that I've lost 3 lbs. in six months. The nurse at the doctor's office was impressed. (You can probably picture in your mind how big she was!). I have to confess that my regular intake of calories is pretty high, but when I go all out and get exactly the snack I'm craving the calorie count can explode. The best snack ever is one Snickers Candy Bar, one bag of Ranch Doritos, and one 20oz Pepsi. I was having this glorious snack (first time in over a year) on the way home from the doctor's office yesterday. Remembering that I had lost 3 lbs, I decided to add up the calories in my "Super Snack. One snickers, 240 calories, one 20 oz. Pepsi, 250 calories, and one bag of Ranch Doritos, 525 calories. Total intake: 1015 calories. I decided to leave an ounce of Pepsi in the bottle and a few chips in the bottom of the bag; surely I was on diabetic/heart attack/obesity overload. And I realized that if I was on a 1200 calorie a day diet there would only be 185 calories left for the remainder of the day. And while it did take 45 minutes to eat this particular snack (compared to my usual 5 minutes to consume a bowl of Blue Bell) it made me think about what the life lesson was in this and how I should apply it to my life. My solution - go ahead and finish the bottle of Pepsi and the bag of chips - what's another 60 calories? Life is short. And snacks make life super good.

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