Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Church Kids

This is what I spend my Wednesday nights doing.  I don't know what age boys start to hate having their picture made, but it sure isn't the 6 - 8 years old sector of humanity.  After years of teaching I can only surmise that  every boy in grades 1 - 3 are natural-born comedians.

And the child below in the cap is from my Sunday morning class.  However, I can't take the credit for this. It was taken at our Kid's Christmas Party.  When future girlfriends are shown this pic, he will not be able to blame it on Miz-a-Ree.

That's actually what the little beginners used to call me. They tried to say "Mrs. Marie" and it just came out "Mizaree".  On rare days, the title was quite appropriate; misery was there. But helping the kids at church grow spiritually over the years has been one of my greatest blessings.  It's absolutely amazing how much kids can understand about God.........

And, yes, this is another one of my boys on Sunday morning. I did not give him whatever that is he's trying to blind himself with. But if I could think of a way to integrate it into the lesson I would most definitely do it.

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