It has been several months since I have posted on my blog. I have many reasons for this.
1. I sit down with my laptop and decide to check my email before I get started.
2. After spending 10 minutes checking my email I decide I might as well check
Facebook and catch up on all my friend's lives.
3. Two hours later (this once took much longer, but I have culled my friends down
to 253. I hope if you're reading this that you made the cut) I decide I might as well
play my Facebook Games.
Yes, I am a Candy Crusher and a Words with Friend addict.
4. One hour later I decide I might as well check out Pinterest since I have run out
of lives on all my games.
5. Three hours later I realize I am looking at some of the same Pins that I looked at
the night before and check the clock on the wall. It is almost always 10:30 and
I have to get my Jimmy Fallon fix.
6. Yikes! Now it's 11:30 and if I don't get to bed soon I won't have time to read my
novel before I go to sleep. (doesn't novel sound much more intellectual
than saying book?)
7. My days are filled with babysitting grandkids and my weekends are filled
with fishing, shopping and Criminal Minds marathons.