Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Confessions of a Granny Panty Wearer

I guess I must confess that for a few years I have been a "Granny Panty" subscriber. White is the only color I buy because frankly I am just too lazy to worry about matching panties to slacks and dresses. White truly does go with everything. You need 2 pair of black on the off chance that your black slacks wear thin. Taking these white monstrosities out of the dryer, I have often wondered why the elastic often frays so quickly. If you also are a Granny Panty wearer you know what I am talking about. It's those little elastic strings that appear sometime around the third washing and drying. Every time I reach in and start to fold a pair I forget that you absolutely cannot pull these little stringy thingies off. If you do you will either snap your finger when the elastic stringy thingy breaks or you will make the waistline of your panties look so bad you have to put them in the throw-a-way pile on top of your dryer. (this pile deserves it's own blog post) Anyway, I thought I would let you know that I have discovered what makes these waistbands fray so quickly. It was truly a light bulb moment. I was sitting on the toilet and reached to keep my panties from slipping off my knees to the floor. Up I pulled them and widened my knee span in order to hold them up. I realized that if I stretch them like this six or seven times a day it is bound to wear out the elastic. So now I'm going to test my theory out. I will buy new granny panties and make sure I keep them above the knee where they belong. If it works I will probably get to be buried in one of the new ones cause you know Hanes never wear out.

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