Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Death Talk

Can you see what Hunka Hunka is doing?  
To me me it looks like he is unfolding a bodybag!
 I wonder who he plans to put in it?
The other day we were discussing how expensive funerals are. Because of the expense and our lack of life insurance, cremation seems to be an option for us. When I asked him what song he would like played at his memorial service he decided on "Were it Not for Grace".
It's a beautiful song about Jesus' grace and where we would be without it.
 He in turn asked me what song I would like.
I told him it didn't really matter; whatever would make him feel better.
He thought for a few SECONDS (not minutes, mind you)  and said,
 "I've got it. I know the perfect song!"
And with gusto he belted out  Alicia Key's, 'This Girl is on Fire".
I hope he was talking about the cremation process and not where he thinks I will wind up.
I told him I had changed my mind and would have "Burn,Baby,Burn"  played at his.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Talking to Ourselves

I know that as we age we tend to forget. Some forgetfulness seems to encompass all older adults. Just mention your memory problems around your peers and you get all kinds of stories; forgetting where you put your keys, forgetting why you walked to another room in the house, forgetting the name of an acquaintance, stopping at the end of the driveway to remember where you are going. A lot of this I am told is because older adults have mastered the art of cruise control. So little catches us by surprise that we literally coast through the day on auto-pilot.
But let me ask it normal to be taking a shower and all of a sudden you are standing there looking clueless because you can't remember which body parts you have washed?  You reach up and feel your hair to see if you have shampoo in your hair, none there, so you assume you are farther along. For the life of me I couldn't figure it out so I just started all over again!  I hope I got everything washed, but who knows?  I hope I didn't stay in the shower an extremely long time, but who knows?  I hope this hasn't happened before, but who knows? 
Maybe that's why so many of us older folk talk to ourselves. It's not always because we want to converse with someone intelligent and funny. It's because we hope we are listening to ourselves so when we ask ourselves "now, what was I doing? now, where was I going? now, who is this?, now, what did I come in here to get?" that we will know the answer and answer ourselves.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Never too Old

Hunka Hunka has developed an interest in "pallet upcycling". That's fancy talk for the old phrase "turning trash into treasures". Or as I tell him it's taking junk nobody wants and making junk people want but don't need. (However, I have told him wifey has dibs on the shoe rack and the deck tables.)

For several months I have tried coaxing him into looking on Pinterest for pallet ideas. He thought he was too manly for Pinterest until I showed him a few pallet ideas. Now he has his own pinterest boards filled with all kinds of amazing wood projects. (I'm beginning to think I may have created a man who searches for Pinterest projects more than he actually works on projects.  Then again, who am I to judge when I have enough pins to decorate three or four homes complete with photos arranged on the wall, great walk-in closets, beautiful and spacious white kitchens, laundry rooms that do everything but wash clothes, and enough recipes that I will need a 12" binder for each category.)

I digress. I often come across a pin that makes me laugh out loud. Since something has to be really funny for me to laugh out loud he always says, "Well, if  it's that funny let me see it."  Tonight was a jackpot night for funny pins. Hunka Hunka asked me if you could literally put anything in the search engine and someone would have pinned it somehow. I told him I figured it was just as smart as Google, Yahoo, or Bing and everything would be on Pinterest because it was basically just shortcuts to websites and blogs.

And that's when I did it. I put the word "boogers" in the Pinterest search engine. No surprise that quite a few boards popped up. There seems to be a great snack called Boogers on a Stick. You learn something new everyday.

 And then I hit major paydirt. I found a pin telling me how to get dried boogers off the wall.  How did I make it 60 years without this knowledge.

Moral of the story. It is true that you are never too old to learn something new. It may be totally useless knowledge, but it is there for us if we just search for it.

And, no, I will not tell you how to get dried boogers off the wall. You can do the research yourself.