Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

KFC Conundrum

Have you seen the latest KFC commercial? A family is sitting around the table enjoying their meal and the wife/mother looks at you and says something like this
 "tonight it's all about me and that means no cooking." 
 But did you notice what an awful wife/mother she is?
 It's OK by me for her to take the night off from cooking and it's even OK by me for the kids and hubby to eat greasy take-out. I've been there and done that more times than the average mom/wife.  But somewhere along the line this lady failed.
. The family gets to wolf this humongous Kentucky Fried Chicken meal
 with all the fixings down  and they have to do it without anything to drink.
 Is Mom the only one that knows how to put something to drink on the table and everyone
 has to do without when she has a night off from cooking?
 Did they forget to buy the drinks, were the drinks too expensive,
 are they a liquid-free family,
 or were they all too lazy to at least get a glass of water for everyone?
 Maybe a beverage is a special treat in this household or is saved for
 birthdays and anniversaries.
 Do you think they eat their snacks without liquid sustenance?
I can't help but wonder what advertising agency decided
 that your average family  sitting around the dinner table looks better
 with no tea, cola, spirits, or water on the table?
 It's a conundrum I may never solve.