Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I have taken three "sister trips" with my 5 sisters and my sister-in-law. It's always a fun time.  Our husbands think we spend the time talking about them (either how stupendous they are or how inept they are). 
The truth is that we never talk about them, except to discuss their health. I just realized this the other day when we came back from Mentone, Alabama.
These are the topics we generally cover:
1. Who is constipated and who has the fastest moving bowels.
2. When and where to eat. (first night has to be a super tasty, out of the ordinary meal)
3. How much weight we have lost. How terrible it is that when we find our lost weight it 
    has made friends with extra pounds that it insists on bringing with it. 
This topic is covered during our "vacation meals."
These are super calorie meals that we claim we do not eat at home.
4. Who has the most things wrong with them. (other than our poop situation). 
5. When and where to eat. (Do we get cereal and eat breakfast in or do we go out again?)
6. What medicines we take for what is wrong with us.
7. Sleeping arrangements. This usually takes only an hour.
 (unless you stick the sister-in-law under an alcove on the smallest bed).
8.Who snores the loudest. (I am always a top contender)
9.When and where to eat.  (eat a big lunch and have sandwiches for supper or vice-versa). 
10. Whose turn it is to say grace.
11. How beautiful God made everything. 
(except for the Mobile trip; rain is only beautiful for one day)
12. The name of every flower or pretty plant we see.
13. Relative and classmates that have died, who is in trouble with the law,
      what's happening with our kids, our churches, the weather, blah, blah, blah,
(but it's fun, people)     
14. When and where we will eat. 
(Are we in a hurry to get home and want to skip a meal, do we
      really want to eat after the big snack we had,
do we go back to the place we really like or try something new..........)

It's a girl thang!

I sometimes wonder what our decendents in a couple hundred years will think when they look back on photos of our newest generation. They stand with their head tilted slightly to the side and their hand on their hip. It's kinda like the "Little Teapot" song without the spout.  It makes you wonder if  three friends have their pic made together if the middle person is secretly bummed out because she knows she will look older, plumper, dumber, or shorter. 
 It's also funny that it never crosses a guy's mind to pose to look better. He either has a fish hanging from his hands, or he's hanging out of a vehicle covered with mud, or he's on the beach sunburned with oily hair, or he's holding a canned drink raised to the sky, or he's standing straight up tall beside the girl posing with her hand on her hip.
I guess it's a girl thang.