Me and my man!

Me and my man!
Me and my hunka, hunka burning love!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Seven Days of Sex

Well, as usual, Bob was flipping zippity, dippity through the channnels during a commercial the other night and settled on the TV guide channel. I have learned that men do this just to make sure they have not been bamboozled into watching an inferior program. I really have no idea what might be inferior to Swamp People, Gator Hunters, Warring over Storage Buildings, Pawning So I Can Gamble In Vegas, and Really Strange Looking Exterminators. (I have actually formed an attachment to the Exterminator and the Duck Dynasty, but that's our little secret.) Anyway, my Sweetie calls me into his viewing area and says "Wait until the channels flip through again and check out this show on Lifetime." And I must admit that I was intrigued. The name of the show was Seven Days of Sex. It seems the premise is that you can fix your marital problems by having sex seven days in a row. I was a little leary of having a conversation on this topic. I assumed the love of my life that I have known for for over 35 years was going to suggest that at our advanced age we should get with the program. But there was nothing to fear because this was his take on the show: "Maybe they ought to try for Sex one Day a Week for Seven Weeks - or One Day a Month for Seven Months - or even One Time a Year for Seven Years. You have to love such a romantic soul as that. But I will say that one of those programs has definitely helped us through 33 years of wedded bliss. (But most likely it has just been his sense of humor cause he gets these really, really cute laughlines at his eyes when he laughs.)